Monday, September 18, 2006

Change in the Garden

I keep walking out into the garden and thinking that it's time to start cleaning it out. We're going to be leaving next month, going over to see hubby's relatives in Iowa - before heading south for the winter. But I just can't make myself do it!

The coneflowers are so beautiful - I have white, yellow, pink and purple ones - still blooming. And so many green tomatoes yet! I can't just pull them out! Summer just can't end yet.

Oh well, I've had other years like this, when I just couldn't give up. And you know what? If it doesn't get cleaned in the fall - it makes good mulch for the winter and will be there waiting for me to clean next spring! I've never noticed that it makes much difference to the plants. Come to think of it, though, it would be hard for me to tell....I was looking at pictures of my garden from last four years, and it dawned on me that I do a lot of rearranging! Where something blooms one year - may not be where it blooms the next. My garden and I are always changing!!


Charlene Amsden said...

Your garden is beautiful. I love Brown Eyed Susans. Them and white daisies are my favorite flowers.

Anonymous said...

The garden really is looking great, mama.

Kat Campbell said...

Wow, what a fabulous garden! Thanks for the tips on the koi, I will try that with mine next spring. Just leave the flowers, if people complain tell them you left them for "winter interest".