Thursday, September 14, 2006

Visiting my sister and 'too much'....

I went to town to visit with my sister today. This is the sister that is 13 months younger than I am, and is the ying to my yang. Having lost our parents at an early age, and her and me being so close in age, we developed a (healthy?) bonding/grounding that nothing ever changes.

Although we talk on the phone daily, sometimes more than several times, we never run out of anything to say (imagine that!) and still need "visiting" time, too. Today I went out to look at the little fish pond in my sister's backyard, and she asked me to put water in it. I stuck the hose in the water, turned it on, and went back in to "visit" a while longer. When I was sent out to mail a letter, I locked myself out the front door and had to go around the house to get in. Good thing - since I found the water still running in the pond. Though to be more accurate, at that time, it was running OUT of the pond. Too much water!

I had taken my sister some of my garden bounty: onions, carrots, green peppers and tomatoes. She promptly chopped them all up and stuck them in the crockpot, and threw some chicken in a pan on the stove. We got to talking about 'blogging' and went in to her computer room so she could show me her blog. A short while later I went down the hall to the kitchen - to discover the hall, kitchen, dining room and living room full of smoke! Too much heat under the chicken!

Having two "too much" incidents - I decided it was time for me to come back up my hill - while my sister's house was still intact. But, I have to go now, have to call my sister....I want to know why I didn't hear any smoke detectors go off!!!!


Charlene Amsden said...

And why didn't you hear any smoke detectors go off?

Anonymous said...

Um, Auntie CB... it was AC's house... when is it ever quiet enough at AC's house that you would actually hear a smoke detector going off? Especially with mom and AC "visting"? (I love you mom and AC... lol)

Charlene Amsden said...

Cindra what would we call it? The Sisters Airhead?

Bazza said...

What a lovely relationship you two have, allthough it sounds like when your together no-one else need bother trying to get a word in edgeways!

Bazza said...

Oh by the way I came via quilldancer (she's getting more like Dr John every day)

Jackie's Garden said...

Aw, shucks, I blush at all the praise!

Anonymous said...

Noise at my house? I am the quiet one!! (aren't I?) Sweet Sensational Sisters of Plenty would be a good name. (as long as no one asked what the plenty was)AC aka Caryl

Pauline said...

Lighthearted comments, thanks for joining in the blogger fun! A friend of Quilldancer's

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean any offense AC... I just meant that when we're all at your house there's so much talking going on it drowns out other noises... like smoke alarms, for instance. :)

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to say hi, welcome to the world of blogging. Quilldancer asked everyone to stop by and introduce themselves and say hello.


Nessa said...

Hi, glad you are joining in on some (additional) fun. Quilly sent me your way. Look forward to hearing some juicy stories about her; D

Charlene Amsden said...

I am living in fear that someone will actually spill why I am called CB. That and other stories about me will not be appreciated.

Charlene Amsden said...

Okay, sis, here's your new template. I hope you like it.

Jackie's Garden said...

It's beautiful! Now, I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth (what the heck does that mean!?)but could you make the text white instead of green???? Trying to read the green on the black is getting all fuzzy for me! Thank you, love you, miss you. xooxxo

Charlene Amsden said...

Jackie -- this phrase comes to use from the era of small, labor intensive family farms when one looked in a horse's mouth to determine it's age (worn out teeth, old horse). If I "gift" you a horse past its prime it cannot work or be ridden. All I have given you is the labor and expense of maintaining an unproductive animal.

I'll see about changing the front soon. I have to shower and dress. I am the guest speaker at the Women's Society luncheon today. They gather at 10:30 and I have been invited to speak because they are considering tossing money at Sidewalk Sunday School. I would looke forward to being there to pick it up.

Charlene Amsden said...

Changed. Like the new "outfit?" The font is lighter green and two sizes bigger.