Thursday, September 21, 2006

Don't go there alone....or, We all have time...

I was talking to my daughter-in-law, Melissa, yesterday, about our family of "bloggers". She has been reading all the posts from Scott's Auntie, his sisters, and from me. And she's been showing the grandbabies the pictures, etc., that are posted, but said she does not have time to blog with us. I have a niece I'd love to see share on here, as well, but she professes not to have time. I was passing that along to Cindra last night, and she remarked on all the people that say they don't have time to blog.

For some reason, that stuck in my mind, and late last night I was wondering why we use that expression. When in fact, we all have time. Just varied amounts of it. And we use that time, for the necessities, and then for whatever interests us. So is it just a polite expression? or an excuse we use? Why is it just not perfectly acceptable/universally used, to say "I'm not interested enough to make time for that"? Because someone might think that another would take it personally and have their feelings hurt (they don't want to talk to ME?)? Because in our individual belief systems we really believe we don't have the time? Because we've short-handed our entire language, using contractions like 'wanna?" and changing all 'ings" on end of words to "in' " (as in "are you comin' in?"? This went on for some time before I chuckled at myself and realized I was doing it again!

I've been known to spend an inordinate amount of time wondering such important things as, "why is a chair called a chair, instead of being called a table?"! I would hate to admit how often I entertain important thoughts like these! And for how long! What a squirrel cage I have between my ears! Sometimes my mind scares me!

Friends of Bill W. have a saying, "Treat your mind like a bad neighborhood: don't go there alone". I think I'd be well advised to follow that advice!


Louisiana said...

your baby sister send me to say hi..don't mind if i stay for good..another lovely blog.

you have an amazing garden. oh my, if you could see what my yard looks like it would make you so much space and potential and not a green thumb to do anything with.

the pictures are a delight. thank you for posting them. they are a treat for the eyes.

Anonymous said...

So Melissa is reading our blogs? That's great! I'm so glad. Oh, and mama? I definitely get my mind from you 'cause I spend inordinate amounts of time pondering odd things, too... lol... As I keep saying, I am your daughter!

Kat Campbell said...

"No Time", that excuse just slays me! I have often had to compare schedules with people to prove that there is NOBODY busier than me. But you're right, blogging, reading, TV, exercise... people make time for what they WANT to do. Me? I haven't got time to excerise. Beautiful picture !

Jackie's Garden said...

Chana, thank you! I can't tell you the peace and contentment I feel just walking out into the yard or gardens. And I must do it 100 times a day! Been running all day and off again in a few - but will visit you tomorrow!

Jackie's Garden said...

Yes, Brookie, you often DO say that. And ususually when you've done something slightly questionable!

Cindra - what can I say? One has only to listen to you!

Charlene Amsden said...

What I want to know is why is a counter called a counter when it cannot count?

Jackie, I pondered such imponderables right up until college. Then they filled my brain with so much other stuff the imponderables sort of fell by the wayside.

If you really want to have fun with words you ought to check out my most favorite blog of all (that doesn't belong to a family member).

Neoma said...

Yes, and just who came up with words like vacuum, and asparagus, and cucumber.

We have time for the things we want to do, but it is a priority issue, I like to think I don't have time to cook..haha

Jackie's Garden said...

Oh, yeah! I like that, Nea! And how about no time to clean, shop for grocies...LOL